
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2021

Seidor ofrecerá Teamcenter de Siemens Digital Software, la solución PLM más utilizada

Esta entrada trata sobre una alianza entre Teamcenter y Seidor que distribuirá un software muy utilizado en el PLM.  La alianza permitirá acelerar la implantación de esta solución en las empresas de España y fuera de ella. Esta herramienta digital facilita la gestión de productos cada vez más complejos y simplifica las operaciones con el objetivo de poder tomar decisiones más inteligentes.  Teamcenter logra un entorno de colaboración ágil y seguro entre departamentos y con los proveedores y la automatización de los flujos de trabajo para aumentar la productividad a través del canal digital del cliente. Teamcenter, que forma parte de la cartera de software y servicios Xcelerator de Siemens, es el  software PLM  más utilizado del mundo y ayuda a las empresas a gestionar productos cada vez más complejos y a simplificar sus operaciones. Esto permite tomar decisiones más inteligentes que conducen a mejores productos a través de un proceso de PLM de extremo a extremo que u...

Siemens Partners with Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation for Digital Mobility Transformation

Siemens and Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Corporation announced a new technology partnership to accelerate their digital transformation and a new future of mobility.  Hyundai and Kia and Siemens will collaborate to establish design methods and develop custom solutions that consider the  lifecycle  of all automobiles and associated processes and activities, such as production, purchasing and partners research and development.  Hyundai and Kia has selected Siemens as the preferred bidder and strategic partner to provide next generation engineering and product data management through NX software and the Teamcenter portfolio from Siemens’ Xcelerator portfolio. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage  digital twins  that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation. Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where enginee...

Agile PLM Implementations - is there another way?

  The businesses of the future are ready to change, to compete with the new and disruptive companies that are coming after their market share.  There’s a consistent piece of feedback received over my blogging "career”, surrounding an organization’s failure to change culture - to empower people to change how they think and do. The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) business has changed its culture 1st: it's changed the way it's people think, through the blending of cross-functional teams, toward productivity and innovation (Offense thinking). When it innovates and operates it's Customer-Centric. It captures data, analyses, learns and deploys this new intelligence to the benefit of the customer, supplier and operator experience. It moves fast, tries new ways, fails and learns quicker.  In the 4IR, how can we possibly think about implementing arguably the most important enterprise applications (that directly affects product innovation): innovation platforms, Product Lifecycl...

Robots Are Taking Over Oil Rigs

     A fter years in the making, a new fully automated drilling rig recently made its debut in Permian Basin. While this has long been a pipedream, restrictions faced by many oil and gas companies during the pandemic forced several to stop operations and call rig workers home. This spurred a plethora of tech companies to establish partnerships with oil giants to help automate systems and digitalize operations so that projects could run with or without human workers, through innovations like robot rigs.        In October, Houston company Nabors Industries achieved drilling to a depth of almost 20,000 feet with its automated rig, with no help from a crew on the floor to run operations manually. The company is expected two dig three wells in the area as part of its test phase. The Nabors Pace-R801 is the world’s first fully automated land rig, taking five years of engineering to achieve. It supports ExxonMobil operations in the region, providing unmanned ...

COVID-19: An inflection point for Industry 4.0

                                 Many organizations used Industry 4.0 technologies to respond to the epidemic, but the crisis is placing the future of digital operations under additional strain.   In 2020, industrial digitization will be put to the ultimate test. Faced with the worst health and economic crises in recent history, businesses of all kinds were forced to take extreme measures to protect their employees and keep their operations running. While some battled to keep operations running in the face of labor or raw material shortages, others fought to keep up with the unexpected surge in demand. Did the ongoing Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0) technologies assist those businesses in their efforts?   According to the findings of a new McKinsey poll, there are three possible outcomes: a win for organizations that have already scaled digital technologies, a real...

Transformación digital en países subdesarrollados

 Transformación digital en países subdesarrollados Una pregunta que me ha preocupado durante algunos años es cómo afectará la revolución digital a la industria en los países en desarrollo. Tuve la suerte de poder trabajar y comprender el estado actual de 6 países, Brasil, Argentina, Portugal, España, Italia y Francia. En los últimos cuatro hay un denominador común, todo el mundo está dentro de la Unión Europea y tiene todos los beneficios de participar en este club. Tienen beneficios como tasas de interés más bajas, una moneda estable, libre comercio y todas las demás ventajas que conlleva. Lo que me llama la atención es que durante algunos años trabajando y conociendo la industria en Argentina y Brasil, pude identificar grandes diferencias y déficits. Por ejemplo, en 2018 en Argentina pude visitar varias empresas y ver cómo se destruye la industria del país. Lo mismo ocurre en Brasil, pero con un poco menos de intensidad. La pregunta que me hago es si la transformación digital ayu...

ERP y Lean Manufacturing: la combinación perfecta para la fabricación

La  industria manufacturera  ha perseguido durante mucho tiempo perfeccionar las iniciativas Lean de la mano del ERP (software de planificación de recursos empresariales).    Este tipo de “fabricación ligera” o “manufactura esbelta” tiene como propósito  eliminar aquello que no sirve centrándose en el producto final  y en la  experiencia de cliente .  Aplicar la metodología Lean Manufacturing a nuestra empresa permite que nuestros procesos y procedimientos se alineen con las operaciones de ERP.  Así,  reducimos costos  y conseguimos  aumentar la rentabilidad.    ¿Para qué sirve Lean Manufacturing? Lean Manufacturing, modelo de producción utilizado por las empresas de manufactura para  mejorar los procesos de fabricación creado por  Taiichi Ohno , se encarga de  simplificar los procesos de producción  eliminando aquellas operaciones que no aport...

European Commission proposes a Path to the Digital Decade to deliver the EU's digital transformation by 2030

The Commission proposed a Path to the Digital Decade, a concrete plan to achieve the digital transformation of our society and economy by 2030. The proposed Path to the Digital Decade will translate  the EUʼs digital ambitions for 2030 into a concrete delivery mechanism. It will set up a governance framework based on an annual cooperation mechanism with Member States to reach the 2030 Digital Decade targets  at Union level in the areas of digital skills, digital infrastructures, digitalisation of businesses and public services. It also aims to identify and implement large-scale digital projects involving the Commission and the Member States. The pandemic highlighted the central role that digital technology plays in building a sustainable and prosperous future. In particular, the crisis exposed a divide between digitally apt businesses and those yet to adopt digital solutions, and highlighted the gap between well-connected urban, rural and remote areas. Digitalisation...